Large Printable Letter U - Upper case alphabet letters print out in four different colors (blue, green, red and black and white) centered on one sheet of paper. Capital letters printed from web browser appear 6 and a half inches tall while PDF letters are eight inches high. The bold outline of hollow bubble letters are highly visible while saving your ink or toner. Use letters to create signs, stencils and more.
Fastest and Easiest. Print directly from web browser by choosing one of the letters at right and then selecting "File" and "Print."
Letters print out 6 and a half inches high in the center of a single page of paper. May include headers and footers unless those options are turned off in Printer Setup.
Print PDF File from Adobe Acrobat |
Biggest and Best. Print large PDF letters by choosing one of the letters at right and then selecting "File" and "Print."
Letters print out 8 inches high and are centered on a single page of paper without any headers or footers. Requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you may already have installed or is available as a free download here.
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